What are some meaningful ways that you can support another business? As I see it, there is really only one way, but we're going to actually talk about two.
What are some ways to meaningfully support another business? Is it liking and subscribing on a page, channel, or video? No. That is not meaningfully supporting another business. I believe there is only one way to meaningfully support another business. However, sometimes there are alternative ways that you can support the business, and I'm going to talk about that right now.
The best way to meaningfully support a business is to patronize that business or give them money. That's really the only thing that matters. You have to think, as entrepreneurs we often taking a financial risk when starting a business. So, the best way to show that you meaningfully want to help a new business succeed is to actually patronize that business.
Now, sometimes giving that business money is not always something you're interested in because they may be selling something or offering a service in which there is no need. What can you do as an alternative?
The second best thing you can do, if it's not clear how to financially support that business, is to ask the owner how you can be of service. Those are the only two ways. A lot of times, it's not liking. It's not subscribing. That doesn't buy— that doesn't pay for anything. We need meaningful, monetary contributions. That is how you can support a business in a meaningful way.
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